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أكاديمية فلاتر
تسجيل الدخول
أكاديمية فلاتر
Week 01
01- introduction to flutter
درس فيديو
02- why choose flutter
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03- Introduction to Dart
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04- Hello World
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05- Dart Variables
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06- Arithmetic Operators
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07- Unary Operator
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08- Assignement Operators
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09- Relational Operator
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10- Type Test Operator
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11- Logical Operator
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12- Ternary Operator
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13- IF - else - Conditions
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14- Switch Case
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15- Nested Switch Case
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16- Dart Lists
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17- Dart Maps - Part 1
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18- Dart Maps - Part 2
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19- For loop
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20- While Loop
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Week 02
21- Do-While
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22- Dart Function
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23- ATM Example
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24- Introduction to OOP
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25- Inheritance
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26- Inheritance - part 2
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27- Super Keyword
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28- Constructor and This keyword
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29- Abstraction
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30- Interface
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31- Introduction to Flutter
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32- Flutter as a Framework
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33- Flutter Installation
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34- Hello World Project
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35- Design Login Screen
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36- Design Login Screen Part 2
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37- Design Registration Screen
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38- Designing Splash Screen
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39- Tabbar Widget
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40- Design Navigation Drawer
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Week 03
41- Design Home Screen
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42- GridView Example
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43- ListView Example
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44- Toast Example - Part 1
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45- Toast Example - Part 2
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46- Bottom Navigation Bar Example
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47- BMI Calculator - Part1
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48- BMI Calculator - Part 2
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49- Todolist - Part 1
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50- Todolist App - Part 2
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51- Todolist app - Part 3
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52- Todolist app - Part 4
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53- Todolist app - Part 5
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54- What is APIs
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55- WorldTimeApi
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56- WorldTimeApi-Part 2
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57- WorldTimeApi - Part 3
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58- WorldTimeApi - Part 4
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59- WorldTimeApi - Part 5
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60- What is Firebase - Part 1
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61- What is Firebase - Part 2
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62- Design Chat app
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Final Exam
Test your knowledge
12 questions
درس فيديو
01- introduction to flutter
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